sara wrote:
I saw this posted on a local blog today from a local photographer. I know this is not exactly the right place to post but wanted to see if the leg bands could be tracked and see where he/she came from.
"On my way to Wal-Mart yesterday evening I took a quick detour through Cane Ridge (this is in southern Indiana) and the surrounding areas to check on shorebird activity. While I didn't find any particularly exciting shorebirds, I did have a Peregrine Falcon fly into a nearby tree next to me. The falcon surveyed the shorebirds briefly and then flew off just above the tree line out of sight.
Band ID's:
Right leg: Black band "91" (if right-side up, 16 if upside-down) and Red band "U"
Left leg: Purple band "...808..."
Here is the identity of the peregrine with the black/red band 91/U:
She is was born in 2012 at Fifth Third Bank, 8000 Maryland Avenue, Clayton, Saint Louis County, Missouri. Her USFWS band number is 1907-12808. No information about her parents is available.
Do you know if any photos were taken of this bird?