These kids rock
YOUNG LEADERS Hampton Falls 4th-graders win State House fight for red-tailed hawk bill
CONCORD — A group of fourth-graders from Hampton Falls were just one vote away from a tough lesson in state politics. But as their parents held their collective breath Tuesday morning, the Lincoln Akerman School students successfully moved a bill forward to make the red-tailed hawk New Hampshire's official state bird of prey, sending it to vote by the full House. Eight LAS fourth-graders went to the State House March 3 with their teacher Jim Cutting and LAS Principal Mark Deblois to successfully tout their bill at its executive session before the Environmental and Agriculture Committee. The legislation would make the raptor one of two state birds of prey in the nation. Elaine Andrews-Ahearn, a former Hampton Falls state representative who planned to sponsor the bill before losing her seat in the November election, attended Tuesday's session and said she was excited for the students. She’s stayed heavily involved with the bill since Rep. Renny Cushing, a Hampton Democrat, took over as sponsor. “This was an incredible learning experience for the children,” Andrews-Ahearn said. “They did a gorgeous job, they really did. Really a perfect example of how this really works.” Andrew Kriner, 10, acted as spokesman, joined by Casey Coleman,9, Joseph O’Connor, 10, Nathan Benish, 10, Daniel Blankenship, 9, Maia Delano, 9, Grace Vander Els, 10, and Addie Kinnaly, 9. Andrews-Ahearn said she was surprised by how “contentious” the session was, and even got a little emotional when Rep. Christy Bartlett, D-Concord, motioned to designate the bill as inexpedient to legislate, which would have effectively killed it. “I was really very heartbroken,” Andrews-Ahearn said. “My stomach went right down to my toes.” The committee commended the children for their effort after hearing their presentation supporting the bill, which was accompanied by a live red-tailed hawk brought in by Kevin Wall, director of education for New Hampshire Audubon. The students outlined how the bird of prey is not only a “beautiful” bird that is common enough to be appreciated state-wide, but also that the species’ young are tended to by two parents that mate for life, both giving equal effort. “Both the male and female are attentive to their young,” Coleman said. “They share in nest-building, incubation, feeding and raising of the chicks. This united parenting approach is an admirable example for New Hampshire’s families.” The bill faced opposition, despite the age and innocence of the people presenting it. Bartlett felt the red-tailed hawk was not the best choice for a state bird of prey, and that an endangered species, which the hawk is not, would be a better fit. She said there are five species in New Hampshire that are endangered. Rep. Rebecca Brown, D-Sugar Hill, suggested the peregrine falcon, an endangered species that, like the red-tailed hawk, also mates for life and shares equal responsibility of its young. The students managed to charm enough of the committee members into voting for their bill. Chairman Robert Haefner, R-Hudson, said this wasn't the first bill he’d voted on that was proposed by fourth-graders. The last time, he went with the kids, he said, and he couldn't help but do it again Tuesday. “I’m a pushover for fourth-graders,” Haefner said, saying he would oppose the motion to kill the bill. After the vote, the students took a tour of the State House with Andews-Ahearn, Cutting, Deblois and their parents. Jodi Kriner, Andrew Kriner’s mother, said she was happy with the trip. “I thought it was fantastic," she said. "I think the students were well prepared. I think they were great advocates and showed why the state raptor should be the red-tailed hawk.”
_________________ "The time to protect a species is while it is still common" Rosalie Edge Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Founder